By HYGGEWellbeing

At the best of times, leading a small business can have its share of challenges. Resources can be limited and there are often not enough hours in the day to address all of the priorities that arise.
The pandemic has only served to amplify them, creating situations that have tested even the most seasoned entrepreneur or billion dollar enterprise.
French playwright Moliere once said ‘The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it’ and that’s exactly the mindset I’ve adopted since launching HYGGEWellbeing three years ago. I’ve come to embrace change and adopted a mindset that with every challenge lies an opportunity.
That’s why it’s gratifying to be recognized once again for my contributions to the Hong Kong community through a feature in APAC Entrepreneur magazine.
Being recognized in the magazine’s latest issue is a great achievement and one I don’t take lightly. It’s great to see the effort to create positive change is not only being observed but celebrated.
Since its launch, HYGGEWellbeing has evolved from a company that offered a range of health and wellness products to a platform providing valuable information and resources that can be used to live a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle.
This evolution was by design as I saw the great need for this information. Study after study indicates that an increasing number of people are struggling with their health and wellness and this has only magnified during the pandemic as reported last year by the World Health Organization.
Whether it’s community events and wellness retreats to ambassadors who have expertise in a range of services – including nutrition, exercise and meditation – I’ve made it my mission to help raise awareness of simple measures we can incorporate into our regular routine to improve our health and wellness.
The website now features a leaner line of merchandise to complement these resources, including specially sourced organic matcha and organic acai that I encourage you to sample. These superfoods taste great and are good for you too.
Since day one, having a social impact has also been a priority. I’m proud of our continued support of the Angels for Children organization along with a special tree planting initiative. I can attest that doing good feels good!
One of my goals as the company has evolved is to widen our reach. To help accomplish this, I joined the Asia CEO Community last year and became Chair of its Wellness Chapter. Through this role, I have arranged a series of guest speakers so that leaders of companies can become more aware of what they can do to create a healthier and more engaged workforce that is not only valuable in attracting but also retaining talent.
It’s been an excellent, collaborative experience and reinforced that the interest exists for this information. We have even teamed up on a podcast on Spotify that I encourage you to check out. More episodes are in the works!
I’ve also reached out recently to the education sector (high schools and universities) to raise awareness of our efforts. The reality is that our youth are struggling with many of the same issues adults are so it’s critical we also provide them with valuable resources.
Exciting things to come!
While I am deeply honored to be recognized by APAC Entrepreneur magazine, this is no time to rest. There is still far more work to be done in the health and wellness space and I look forward to sharing shortly details about another exciting initiative that is in the works.
If you know an organization or entrepreneur who is interested in raising the bar on health and wellness – or a vendor that can contribute to this mission – share this post with them and encourage them to sign up to receive future posts on our blog page. The more people we can engage, the better off we’ll all be.